New Mexico Solar

Guide to Solar Panels in New Mexico

Learn how solar in New Mexico works and get a free instant estimate on residential solar panels for as low as $85 per month.1
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See how much you could save by going solar in New Mexico?

Palmetto makes it easy to switch to solar and save on energy costs. Enter your address and average electric bill, and we’ll give you an estimated offset and system size.

What's your monthly electric bill amount?$290
What's your monthly electric bill amount?$290
Roof with solar panels

How Much Do Solar Panels in New Mexico Cost?

Great solar incentives and endless sunshine make the Land of Enchantment the perfect place to go solar.

The exact cost and savings of your system may vary depending on several factors, including:

  • The size of your system
  • Your current energy usage
  • Your current electricity rates
  • Any incentives in your area
  • The size and layout of your roof
  • Preference of loan or cash financing

With Palmetto, the cost of solar panels in New Mexico starts at $85 per month for a loan.1

4 Reasons Why It’s Worth Going Solar in New Mexico

Mitigate Outages

Add battery storage to your solar system and rely on clean energy if and when outages roll through.

Count On Savings

The sun is relentlessly shining energy upon us. Solar panels take advantage of this by providing you with consistent, reliable power.

Lower Your Footprint

Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is both clean and renewable—a better solution for your home, your community, and the environment.

Increase Home Value

Planning to sell? Solar-powered homes have been shown to stand out, earn more, and sell faster in the national real estate market.
Solar panel installation on roof

Learn How Solar Works in New Mexico

Homeowners who install solar panel systems in New Mexico utilize net metering. Net energy metering allows you to earn credits toward your utility bill for the excess electricity your PV system generates and sends to the electric grid. These credits can be used to offset retail electricity purchased during other time periods, like at night.

New Mexico’s largest utility, PNM, offers 1-to-1 net metering credits. This means the credit is the same value the utility charges you. PNM also allows excess credits to roll over at the full value to offset consumption from the grid in future months.

New Mexico’s second-largest utility, El Paso Electric, also provides 1-to-1 net metering credits within a monthly billing cycle, however, excess credits roll over to future months at approximately 30-50% of the rate the utility charges you.

Power lines

Available Solar Incentives in New Mexico

There are several financial incentives for New Mexico residents looking to invest in solar power. Those most well-known include:

  • Solar Tax Credit: Most solar energy installations are eligible for the Residential Clean Energy Credit, previously called the Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Eligible homeowners can deduct up to 30% of their solar power system’s costs from their total tax liability for the year of installation.
  • New Mexico State Tax Credit: New Mexico residents purchasing solar can claim 10% of the system cost up to $6,000 as a deduction to state income taxes.
  • Property Tax Exemption: Solar has been shown to increase the value of your home. New Mexico exempts this addition from your property taxes, meaning you don’t pay extra taxes because you got solar panels.
  • State Sales Tax Exemption: Solar is exempt from New Mexico’s sales tax.
  • Local Utility Rebates: Some local electric cooperatives and municipal utilities may offer solar rebate programs to offset the cost of your renewable energy system even further.
With Palmetto in New Mexico we make sure solar is a good investment for you. See how much you can benefit with a free quote in less than 5 minutes.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does solar work with my utility provider in New Mexico?

Palmetto will manage the solar interconnection application process with your utility. Once the system is installed, we will submit the required documentation. Your utility will grant Permission to Operate (PTO), and enable solar net metering on your bill. Palmetto currently services customers in both PNM and El Paso Electric territory.

What is net metering?

Net metering, or net energy metering (NEM) is a billing mechanism that enables you to send extra solar energy your solar panels generate beyond what your home can consume at the moment back into the electric grid. In return, you earn credit that you can use to offset the cost of electricity you pull from the grid in the future.

Learn more about net metering here

How long do solar panels last?

The first solar cells were manufactured by Bell Laboratories in the late 1950s and are still functional today. Likewise, panels installed on homes in the 1970s and ’80s continue to generate power. Most solar modules today have a 25-year power output warranty and may continue to produce power well beyond that point. Homeowners interested in additional protection and savings can enroll in Palmetto Protect and earn quick access to energy monitoring, dedicated customer support, exclusive discounts, and best-in-class maintenance services.

Where do I start? It seems complicated.

You're right, solar energy can feel very complex, especially if you're researching providers, technologies, incentives, municipal requirements, permits, the list goes on. That’s why Palmetto created end-to-end solar energy solutions allowing you to plug into savings with less time and no hassle. From financing and design to installation, production monitoring, and maintenance, our dedicated Customer Experience Team is here to answer questions, address concerns, and guide you through every step of the process. Visit our product pages to learn more about Palmetto’s solar and storage solutions.

Will solar panels work with my roof?

Before designing your custom solar solution, we’ll take a detailed survey of your property and assess the solar energy potential of your roof. Beyond the size, angle, and orientation of your roof, we’ll look at shading, estimated tree growth, materials, ventilation and drain pipes, and the overall condition. Because solar panel arrays can last 25-30 years without the need for repair or replacement, it’s important the roof beneath is in good shape. In some cases, it may be advisable to have your roof repaired or replaced entirely before the installation of solar panels can begin.

How much of my home can be powered by solar panels?

That depends on your overall household energy usage relative to the total capacity of your solar array. Many homeowners desire a system size producing 100% of their energy usage needs, but they may not always be possible. Alternatively, if you plan to change your behavior, such as by purchasing an electric vehicle, you may wish to go a little larger than historical usage.

How much does a solar power system cost?

The cost of your solar power system will vary based on a number of factors including your location, the size of your solar array, installation fees in your area, and if you desire energy storage for backup power. That said, solar technologies have never been more efficient or affordable.

Does my solar array come with a warranty?

All solar panels installed by Palmetto must meet our minimum manufacturer warranty standards: a 12-year product warranty and a 25-year linear performance guarantee. Your investment also includes three years of Palmetto Protect Essentials coverage including proactive monitoring, system reports, and ongoing service and support. Customers seeking additional coverage can opt into a Palmetto Protect Standard or Premium plan with benefits such as an annual on-site inspection, detailed health reports, exclusive service discounts, and a clean energy home consultation.

What happens if I produce more solar power than I need?

Your home will still be connected to the electric grid so you have power when your system is not producing. Excess energy produced beyond what your home is using at any moment can flow back into the grid, and will earn you credit on your electricity bill. If you choose to integrate energy storage with your solar power system, any excess energy that is produced and not immediately used by your household will function to charge your battery. This, in turn, allows you to access stored solar power for your home when energy usage exceeds production, and provide valuable backup power during an outage.

Will I still receive an electric bill with solar panels?

Yes, almost all solar customers maintain a connection to the grid, even those with battery storage, which means you will still receive an electricity bill, though you can dramatically reduce the amount you pay each month thanks to the energy produced by your solar panels.

If there is a power outage, will my power go out?

If you add a home battery to your solar power system, you can avoid disruptions caused by grid outages. The amount of energy available for you to use in case of an outage will depend on several factors:
  • The size and production of your solar panels
  • The size of the battery system
  • The battery state of charge when the outage occurs
  • The areas or appliances in your home that are prioritized to receive power when the grid goes down.
If, however, your solar energy system does not include a home battery, then yes, your power will go out. In the event of an outage, all standalone solar energy systems will automatically shut down in accordance with electric codes and mandatory inverter specifications.

Palmetto helps homeowners across the U.S. save money on their electricity bill by going solar

Excellent customer service and communication. Highly recommend them. Even the day of the install, I got phone calls and texts to verify availability and just check-in. It was a wonderful experience.
Since installing it I have gotten almost $8000 back from the federal government in tax rebate, several hundred dollars from my local utility--a benefit that lasts for ten years--and I have paid absolutely nothing to my utility--and I currently have a credit of over $200, that should get me thru the beginning of winter when solar production is down. My bill has gone from over $2500 per year to zero
We love our solar panels and the savings we see each month on our electric bill. This company is so easy to work with … no paper work and phone calls for permits. They take of everything!!!!