There are lots of ways to save money but few that make this much sense. Your power. Your savings. Palmetto service and support.
We never compromise on quality!
Palmetto offers end-to-end solar energy services, so you can rest easy knowing that your investment is protected and support is just a click away.
Energy intelligence data
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We use proprietary data to map your rooftop solar potential and optimize your design
In-house project management
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Leave the details to us! You'll have a dedicated contact for question and support
Personal solar account
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See real-time information and updates as we move your project forward
Active system monitoring
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Track system performance and energy production by day, week, or month
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Is this your year to go solar?
Going solar can be a big decision. But here are some of the perks. With one simple change, you can reduce your reliance on the electrical grid and help mitigate the effects of climate change. Better yet, you can save money while doing it.