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Quick tips for making solar sales virtually

publishedDateLabelFebruary 17, 2021

Selling solar door-to-door has been the go to method for quite some time. With that being the case, it makes sense that many solar reps found themselves at a lost when COVID-19 restrictions became necessary. However, it’s possible to have success selling solar through the use of virtual and careful in-person methods. Use the tips in this guide to help adjust your business for the future.

Get to Know All of Your Communication Options

Even if you’re used to going door-to-door to have conversations with homeowners, that doesn’t mean you have to abandon selling solar until restrictions are lifted. In fact, it’s the perfect time to expand your network and reach more potential clients virtually. When you consider how much more people will navigate the web and using social media, you’ll know you have plenty of opportunities to generate leads. There are a couple of communication methods that can help you reach leads and stay in contact with them.

Social Media — Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and More

If you want to be where your audience is, then social media is where you need to be. Choose the platform you prefer and make sure you have a presence. This can be with a LinkedIn profile that highlights your work or a Facebook page that promotes your business. Use your page as a starting point and then start your conversations. Let people know about the opportunity to have solar for their homes. You can even join various groups to get tips about buyer trends and source new leads.

Virtual Conference Calls

After using social to reach a lead, you can use video conference tools like Zoom and Skype to keep conversations going. You can take your normal phone calls one step further and you have the opportunity to bridge the gap of not being able to meet in person.

Don’t Forget to Follow-Up & Automate If You Can

After your first or even second conversation with your lead, you can’t call it quits. Relying on a potential customer to make the next call is a mistake, especially if most of your conversation has been virtual. You don’t have to force yourself to remember every single call that needs to be made either, you can let technology do the work for you.


Customer relationship management probably isn’t something foreign to you, but if you’re on a smaller team, you may not have used one. A properly managed CRM like Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics gives you the ability to set up alerts for each contact as soon as they’re entered. You can then set up messages to go to contacts automatically.

Email & Text Messaging

Email is a tried-and-true method for consistently engaging with leads and getting them to the point of sale. Setting up newsletters and automated emails helps potential customers stay informed and helps you stay at the forefront of their minds. Want to step it up a notch? Use tools like SimpleTexting to send out text messages and set up the next call or meeting.

Give Your Clients a Choice

Even before your potential client makes their final decision about solar, you should know how comfortable they are with virtual and in-person meetings. Clients may be comfortable with socially distanced discussions and demonstrations. Gauge their comfortability with each discussion and let them decide how they want to proceed.

Make the Sale

Despite the adjustments you may have to make, you’re still capable of reaching your goals. Find the method that works for you and you may be able to surpass them.

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